Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sneaky Peeks: Upcoming Music Vids.

Recently, we were finally all able to get together and work on music videos. 
This is only a smidgen of documentation, but it shows us being very crafty. It was pretty nifty.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


...which require answers.

1. In the background of this blog, is King Friday:
    a) delivering his State of the Fish Tank speech
    b) trying to show you the length of a catfish he recently snared whilst hand-fishing
    c) asking for a hug

2. On the night of Sunday, August 14th will you be:
    a) evading the authorities
    b) crafting wee garments for your cats
    c) gloriously happy that you're at the Other Door Bar watching Good King Friday rock the casbah

Be there or be ☐, kids.

xoxo, GKF